
Apple Search Ads Partner | Growth partner of apps and games with intelligence, automation and expertise

Apple Search Ads Partner | Growth partner of apps and games with intelligence, automation and expertise

Product Details

Founded in 2013 in San Francisco, MobileAction is a pioneer in app analytics and the growth partner of apps and games for organic and paid user acquisition. It is the go-to platform for app marketers aiming for the top charts on the App Store and the Google Play Store, trusted by industry giants like Meta, Square, Zalando, Scopely, and M&C Saatchi Performance.

MobileAction has a set of solutions built for app growth. 

App marketers can automate and optimize Apple Search Ads campaigns with advanced, AI-driven solutions of and access data on 90M+ ad creatives, 100K+ publishers, and market trends to sharpen their competitive edge with Ad Intelligence. They can gain access to central information on organic keywords and creative strategies for the App Store and Google Play Store with ASO Intelligence. Search Ads Intelligence lets users optimize search results campaigns according to targeted insights on any app, keyword, and competitor. Additionally, CPP Intelligence gives in-depth data to produce more appealing custom product pages and users can position apps more effectively with market data for both the App Store and Google Play Store with Market Intelligence. The API solutions provided by MobileAction allow users access to and customize all app store data to create tailored dashboards for unique needs. Meanwhile, the managed services by MobileAction help app marketers optimize ASO and Apple Search Ads campaigns according to best practices.

With data from 90M+ creatives, 6M+ keywords, 5M+ apps, 100K+ publishers, and 500K+ advertisers, MobileAction lets app marketers step into the future of app optimization.

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