
Nth Round helps modern CFOs streamline investor workflows–manage equity, distribute reports, and engage shareholders.

Nth Round helps modern CFOs streamline investor workflows–manage equity, distribute reports, and engage shareholders.

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We envision a time in the near future when all founders, family members, investors, and key employees will be free to buy or sell their shares anytime, without worry or hassle.Liquidity has been a serious need in private finance for many years, even more so recently as the IPO market has softened. One reason for this liquidity challenge is that, unlike in public markets, generally only high net worth investors may engage in private equity transactions. This means that a private company CFO must oversee every purchase or sale to assure compliance. Furthermore, the CFO needs to be aware of fiduciary duties, including fairness to all shareholders. Managing a private company’s stock book can be an onerous task, especially if anxious investors seek liquidity.At Nth Round, we are committed to providing liquidity for you and for your company. We know that private shareholders often wonder when they can monetize their investment. Being patient is not the best answer. We want to facilitate liquidity now, and whenever you like going forward.

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